AI Space Systems an Executive Order Corp is proud to have been a DoD contract development provider for the DoD - Department of Defense
AI Space Systems Department of Defense Contracts

AI Space Systems DoD – Department of Defense Contract Provider
AI Space Systems an Executive Order Corp is proud to have been a DoD contract development provider for these DoD – Department of Defense contracts; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Missile Defense Agency, Defense Micro-Electronics Activity, Military Services, Combatant Commands, and other Space Defense Components.

- General Dynamics C4 Systems – Scottsdale, AZ – Architect/Developed Command Post of the Future (CPOF) which enables warfighters to visualize the battlefield and plan the mission through a dynamic view of critical resources and events on a live SAC map. Developed NoSQL interface for collaborators across echelons and distances to maintain situational awareness while automating many of their tasks using Android Soldier of the Future. Developed CoMotion visualization information analysis and collaboration in single integrated maps.
- Architect 3PDK edit tactical map overlays depicting force dispositions and areas of interest such as minefields, contaminated areas, critical assets, threat origins, and areas of interest. Evaluate the behavior of air tracks relative to airspace control measures, modes of (IFF) Identification Friend/Foe and map airspace plan overlay.

- Lockheed Martin Space Systems Redstone Arsenal, AL – Architect Alert Sense & Warn (AS&W) and Land Environment Air Picture Provision (LEAPP). Deployed in Afghanistan for Base Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar attack warnings. Developed LuciadMap tactical map of radar display coverage capability, sensor planning interface. Developed high-level application framework for analyzing editing of geographical SAC information.
- Developed Joint Sensor and Engagement Networks Integrated Project Team (JSENS IPT) to conduct early de-risking tests to assess whether LEAPP would work over the FALCON communications network. Developed the Intelligent Tutoring Authoring Delivery System (ITADS) simulation-based intelligent tutoring US – Navy.
- Architect; Lead Java Development for J2EE, Spring MVC, JDBC, JSP, (EJB) JavaBeans, SQL, GWT, XML, Hibernate, Linux. Design/development project strategies, project planning, prioritizing work efforts/resources.

- Northrop Grumman – Architect / TDA Technical Design Authority for .GOV US Government deployment of ATG e-Commerce solution. Developed architecture and standards for ATG WebSphere e-Commerce solution.

- General Dynamics C4 Systems – Huntsville, AL – Architect/Developed Command Post of the Future (CPOF) and Tactical Airspace Integration System (TAIS). Architect for Integrated Theater Air/Missile Defense System (ITADS) map visualization Airspace Control Orders (ACO), Air Tasking Orders (ATO) SAC missile airspace.
- Develop TAIS mobile, airspace management system providing combined air-ground operational environment management based on joint service and information system inputs. Developed the Army’s system of record for the integration and synchronization of Airspace Command and Control (AC2) and Air Traffic Services (ATS) within the Army Battle Command System (ABCS) System of Systems (SoS). Digitized Battlefield Automated System (BAS), TAIS provides situational awareness of friendly and enemy air activity and is interoperable with joint, coalition, and civil aviation forces. Currently deployed by the United States Army in every theater.
- Developed TAIS automated AC2 planning, enhanced AC2 execution, and improved enroute Air Traffic Services support across the range of military operations and the spectrum of conflict to synchronize and integrate operations in the third dimension of the battlefield. Developed TAIS interface that provides government inter-agency capabilities and a direct link to the Theater Air Ground System (TAGS) through interface the Joint Force Air Component Commander’s (JFACC) automated airspace planning communication.

- Raytheon Company – Future Combat Systems (FCS) Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV), developed architecture for Apache-Tomcat SOA Android services for Ground and Air Defense UCAV/SUGV IFF sensor.

- Sanmina-SCI Space Craft Incorporated – Marines/Army – Tactical Operation Network (TOCNET) Marine Corps combat radio and SDR Software Defined Radio architecture. Developed SOA application modeling and integration of SoftCAU (Crew Access Unit JAR) and MCSU GWT. Architect/Develop JMF DSP uLaw / aLaw and Binaural Codec. Developed MILSAT VoIP H.323/SIP using JNI Embedded Java Interface C/C++ Library.
- Developed Military Mission Recorder for (MRAP), HUMMVEE, JLENS, and Marine Core/Army recording of deployment operations. Military Mission Data Recorder (MDR) recorded data can be disseminated in various ways, broadband technology allows the radio transfer of mission data from MDRs in AH64 Apache helicopter.

- US Naval Air Base – Saufley Field – US-NAB DFAS Enterprise Architect for (DoD) Department of Defense.
- Air Force, Space Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard
Air Force, Space Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National actively serving members of the Air Force, Space Force, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve service for Defense Finance and Accounting Service.
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) is the United States’ anti-ballistic missile system for intercepting incoming warheads in space, during the midcourse phase of ballistic trajectory flight. It is a major component of the American missile defense strategy to counter ballistic missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) carrying nuclear, chemical, biological or conventional warheads.

Executive Order Corp provides custom software development team management, and leadership services to ensure that architecture, design, and development are carried out appropriately with new and existing technology consideration and integration. Our Application Development Consultants help our customers to achieve their strategic Information Technology goals. Whether your need is a large enterprise-wide solution or simply need some additional resources to work with your team, Executive Order Corp. can assist you. We can help you define a package of services that will help your project to be successful by delivering on time and to budget.
Executive Order Corp has specialized in project mentoring over the past three decades. We’ve been instrumental in helping our clients get their projects running successfully. Work with one of our experienced consultants assigned to your team as a technical adviser to acquire the skills you need to develop on-going enterprise applications. A Project Consultant can be scheduled for the complete project, or just for the critical portions such as start-up, mid-course corrections, or final packaging and testing.
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