Satellite Tron Mobile


Satellite Tron Mobile — Executive Order Satellite TronMobile GPS Tracking System – An Android mobile version of Satellite Tron – Executive Order Sensor Processor System Server. The Satellite Tron Mobile Android application allows you to use your mobile Android phone to monitor your GPS Tracking Device remotely. Satellite Tron Mobile is easy-to-use and helps you stay connected in “Real-Time” with your Satellite Tron GPS devices and IoT telemetry information. Satellite Tron Mobile provides seamless integration between your Satellite Tron Server live-map GPS Tracking Devices and your mobile phone.

Connect to your Satellite Tron Server – Web application (Web app) is a server application that delivers Satellite Tron GPS information over the Mobile interface. The Satellite Tron Server main control window ties all location and environment monitoring information on one Mobile GPS Map screen. Satellite Tron – Executive Order Sensor Processor System Server is designed to support as many tracking devices as possible from popular GPS vendors. Use Satellite Tron Mobile app for viewing “Real Time” live GPS Tracking information over the Internet/Mobile Cell network that does not require a monthly service subscription or fee. Satellite Tron Mobile provides information about any GPS GSM Tracking Device directly on your Android Smart Phone.

Satellite Tron Mobile monitors buildings, vehicles and people from anywhere in the world. Stay connected and informed to what’s important. Satellite Tron Mobile show your GPS Tracking Devices on your Android phone map and receive Ambient Temperature, Ambient Light, and Simple Button Press information you’re your GPS Tracking Device.

Satellite Tron Mobile can also receive IR object temperature, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, digital microphone, and magnetic sensor. Satellite Tron Mobile also has Advanced Reverse Geocoding – Geocoding is the transformation process of addresses and places to coordinates and is sometimes called forward geocoding whereas Reverse Geocoding uses geographic coordinates to find a description of the location, most typically a postal address or place name. Satellite Tron Mobile will provide you with the address of each GPS Tracking Device.

Satellite Tron Mobile Advanced Reverse Geocoding – Geocoding is the transformation process of addresses and places to coordinates and is sometimes called forward geocoding; whereas Reverse geocoding uses geographic coordinates to find a description of the location, most typically a postal address or place name. Satellite Tron will provide you with the address of each GPS tracking device or Satellite Tron Android client app.

  • Multiple Map Layers – Satellite Tron provides multiple map layers and Geo-view including high-resolution satellite imagery.
  • Vehicle Location – Satellite Tron can check your vehicle’s current location, speed, and distance from your computer. All of this fleet information in a simple and intuitive GPS live screen with a live map.
  • Current Connections – The map displays the number of current Satellite Tron GPS tracking live streaming connections.
  • Remote GPS Information – Tracks when and where your vehicle traveled since you installed the app. Also, it shows the current address of that location with Latitude and Longitude.
  • Update GPS Information – Check your vehicle’s speed, course and distance with continuous recording of events and history look up.

Executive Order Satellite Tron Mobile – The GPS Tracking automation and remote monitoring system is a complete package for business or office. Its wireless GPS tracking allows you to monitor your office, systems, personal property, and business from anywhere in the world. Receive remote information from any number of events like when an employee arrives on-site or where a vehicle is located.

The Executive Order Satellite Tron Mobile unique product design allows live GPS tracking and surveillance all on your Android phone, without a costly monthly, third-party subscription service.

The Executive Order Satellite Tron Mobile unique product design allows live GPS tracking and surveillance all on your mobile phone or tablet, without a costly monthly, third-party subscription service.

You can visit the Google Store EOSPY mobile at Google Store to download the Free Satellite Tron mobile to your Android Device.


We also provide businesses with software development services to help become more efficient and effective with GPS Tracking and remote data monitoring. If you are searching for an IoT or BPM software developer expert, we have a wide range of in-house and outsource experts in different business sectors.