Satellite Tron Server Help

Executive Order Satellite Tron Help for the Satellite Tron Configuration

Most of the Satellite Tron Windows Client or Satellite Tron Server configuration parameters are located in the eospy.xml or default.xml text files. In Windows the path can be changed during the installation process, but by default it should be in ‘C:\Program Files\EOSpy\eospy.xml’ or in ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\EOSpy\eospy.xml’ on 64 bit Windows. The EOSpy Configuration files can be edited using any text editor.

Some of the parameters are configured via attributes on device, server and other objects through web interface. Check the location and description for each key configuration parameter.

The following table contains available configuration keys and descriptions for each of them:

Key Location Description
config.default config Path to the default config file.
web.enable config Flag to enable or disable Satellite Tron web interface (true to enable, false to disable).
web.address config Optional parameter to specify network interface for web interface to bind to. By default, the server will bind to all available interfaces.
web.port config Web interface TCP port number. By default, Satellite Tron uses port 8082. To avoid specifying a port in the browser, you can set it to 80 (default HTTP port).
web.path config The path to the directory that contains web interface files.
web.debug config Boolean flag to use non-minified (debug) version of the web interface. If false, it uses release.html file by default, if true it uses debug.html by default. The default value is false.
web.console config Flag to enable database console. It is recommended to use on local development environment because it exposes raw database access via web interface. If enabled, console is available under “/console” URL path.
web.timeout config WebSocket timeout value in milliseconds. The default value is 1 minute.
web.old config Flag to enable or disable old Satellite Tron web interface (true to enable, false to disable).
web.application config Full path to the old version of the web interface WAR file. Set this only if you plan to use the old web interface.
geocoder.enable config Boolean flag to enable or disable reverse geocoder.
geocoder.type config Reverse geocoder type. Currently Satellite Tron support following types: google, nominatim and gisgraphy. By default, (if the value is not specified) server uses Google API.
geocoder.url config Geocoder server URL. Applicable only to Nominatim and Gisgraphy geocoders.
location.enable config Boolean flag to enable LBS location resolution. Some devices send cell towers information and WiFi point when GPS location is not available. Satellite Tron can determine coordinates based on that information using third-party services. The default value is false.
location.type config Provider to use for LBS location. Available options: Mozilla and opencellid. By default, opencellid is used.
location.key config Provider API key. OpenCellID service requires an API key.
location.mcc config Some devices don’t report MCC value, so this parameter can be used to provide it.
location.mnc config Some devices don’t report MNC value, so this parameter can be used to provide it.
filter.enable config Boolean flag to enable or disable position filtering.
filter.limit config Time limit for the filtering in seconds. If the time difference between last position and a new one is more than this limit, the new position will not be filtered out.
filter.invalid config Filter invalid (valid field is set to false) positions. config Filter zero coordinates. Zero latitude and longitude are theoretically valid values, but it practice it usually indicates invalid GPS data.
filter.duplicate config Filter duplicate records (duplicates are detected by time value).
filter.distance config Filter records by distance. The values is specified in meters.
distance.enable config Calculate and accumulate travelled distance for all devices. Distance value is in meters and is stored in the position attributes.
logger.enable config Boolean flag to enable or disable logging. Log file contains useful information for investigating problems with Satellite Tron server.
logger.level config Minimum severity of the events to put into the log file. By default the values is ‘all’ which enables logging of all messages.
logger.file config Full path to the log file.
processing.copyAttributes.enable config Enable copying of missing attributes from last position to the current one. Might be useful if device doesn’t send some values in every message.
processing.copyAttributes config List of attributes to copy if missing. Attribute names should be separated by a single space. For example “power ignition battery”.
database.driverFile config Path to the database driver JAR file. Satellite Tron includes drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL and H2 databases. If you use one of those, you don’t need to specify this parameter.
database.driver config Database driver Java class. For H2 use ‘org.h2.Driver’. MySQL driver class name is ‘com.mysql.jdbc.Driver’.
database.url config Database connection URL. By default Satellite Tron uses H2 database. For MySQL URL syntax see this page.
database.user config Database user name. Default administrator user for H2 database is ‘sa’.
database.password config Database user password. Default password for H2 admin (sa) user is empty.
database.changelog config Path to Liquibase master changelog file.
database.checkConnection config SQL query to check connection status. Default value is ‘SELECT 1’. For Oracle database you can use ‘SELECT 1 FROM DUAL’.
database.ignoreUnknown config Boolean flag to ignore unknown devices. By default Satellite Tron would do a database request to identify unknown device. If you have a lot of unknown devices, it might be useful to enable this flag to avoid frequent database requests.
database.ignoreUnknown config Boolean flag to ignore unknown devices. By default Satellite Tron would do a database request to identify unknown device. If you have a lot of unknown devices, it might be useful to enable this flag to avoid frequent database requests.
database.registerUnknown config Boolean flag to enable automatic registration of unknown devices.
database.xml config Boolean flag to save attributes in XML format instead of default JSON format. Note that default web interface won’t work with XML format.
database.saveOriginal config Boolean flag to save original message from device in HEX format in position attributes.
database.positionsHistoryDays config Number of days to store position history. By default Satellite Tron doesn’t clear any old data from the database.
database.selectDevicesAll config SQL query to select list of GPS tracking devices. Query need to return at least two fields:

  • id – long integer value, identifier of the device in the database
  • deviceId – string, unique identifier of the device, usually IMEI number
database.insertPosition config SQL query to insert a single position record into the database. Following named parameters (must have colon prefix) are available:

  • deviceId – device identifier in the database (same as ‘id’ in database.selectDevice)
  • fixTime – date and time of the position fix
  • valid – true if location is accurate, false if location is incorrect or not accurate
  • latitude – latitude reported by the GPS device
  • longitude – latitude reported by the GPS device
  • speed – speed value in knots
  • course – heading/bearing in degrees
  • address – resolved address of the location (requires geocoder to be enabled)
  • protocol – name of the protocol
  • other – other data in XML format (for example, <info><odometer>1000</odometer></info>)
database.updateLatestPosition config SQL query to update database with latest info from device. In addition to all named parameters from database.insertPosition, there is ‘id’ parameter that returns automatically generated identifier of the position record returned by database.insertPosition query.

[query name]
config Other SQL queries required for JSON API and web interface.
[protocol].port config Port number for the protocol. Most protocols use TCP on the transport layer. Some protocols use UDP. Some support both TCP and UDP.
[protocol].timeout config Connection timeout value in seconds. Because sometimes there is no way to detect lost TCP connection, old connections stay in open state. On most systems there is a limit on number of open connection, so this leads to problems with establishing new connections when number of devices is high or devices data connections are unstable.
globalsat.format0 config First message format for GlobalSat protocol. Default value is ‘TSPRXAB27GHKLMnaicz*U!’.
globalsat.format1 config Second message format for GlobalSat protocol. Default value is ‘SARY*U!’.
gt06.timezone config Timezone offset value (in seconds) for GT06 protocol.
coordinates.filter config Replaces position coordinates if it changes less than a “coordinates.error” meters. Helps to avoid coordinates jumps during parking period.
coordinates.error config Distance in meters that considers to be error for “coordinates.filter”.
event.enable config Enable events subsystem.
event.overspeedHandler config Enable overspeed events handling.
event.overspeed.notRepeat config If true, the event is generated once at the beginning of overspeeding period.
speedLimit server/device/group* Speed limit in knots, for device, group* or whole server.
deviceManager.lookupGroupsAttribute config * Lookup group tree for attributes happened only if it is enabled.
event.motionHandler config Enable handler that detects start and stop events.
event.motion.speedThreshold config If device speed less than its value, device is considered to be stopped. Default is 0.01 knots.
event.geofenceHandler config Enable handler that detects enter and exit geofences.
event.alertHandler config Enable handler that generates events on different alarms.
event.ignitionHandler config Enable handler that detects ignition on/off.
forward.enable config Enable positions forwarding to other web server.
forward.url config URL to forward positions. Data is passed through URL parameters. For example, {uniqueId} for device identifier, {latitude} and {longitude} for coordinates.
event.forward.enable config Enable events forwarding to other web server.
event.forward.url config URL to forward events.
event.forward.header config Additional HTTP header, can be used for authorization. config/user SMTP server host name to send notifications.
mail.smtp.port config/user SMTP server port, 25 by default.
mail.smtp.starttls.enable config/user Enables STARTTLS, usually used in combination with 587 port.
mail.smtp.ssl.enable config/user Enables SSL, usually used in combination with 465 port. config/user Forces trust for every certificate, even self-signed.
mail.smtp.from config/user From address, obligatory for some mail servers.
mail.smtp.auth config/user Enable SMTP authorization.
mail.smtp.username config/user Username for SMTP authorization.
mail.smtp.password config/user Password for SMTP authorization.
report.trip.minimalTripDuration config Trips less than minimal duration and minimal distance are ignored. 300 seconds and 500 meters are default.
report.trip.minimalTripDistance config Trips less than minimal duration and minimal distance are ignored. 300 seconds and 500 meters are default.
report.trip.minimalParkingDuration config Parking less than minimal duration does not cut trip. Default 300 seconds.
report.trip.greedyParking config If true, the device is considered to be in parking state and only continuous trips are detected.
wialon.utf8 config Use UTF8 to handle messages from wialon devices.
status.timeout config Status timeout in seconds. If device does not send data for the specified period of time, the status changes to “unknown”.

For boolean (True/False) values, if the value is not specified, then the server treats it as false. For example, if you remove [protocol]. enable line from the config file, and it will effectively disable protocol.